Initial CAS Reflections

What aspects of CAS are you looking forward to?

I am keen on Circus with Local Community Service, which I will continue running as Chairman this year. This I believe will count for my Creativity, Activity and Service. Nevertheless, I intend to continue as a performing artist at the Bornfire Community Circus Troupe.

Circus Service appeals to me as our three focuses include teaching underprivileged children circus skills, performing in schools, and performing at elderly homes and hospitals. I enjoy teaching as passing on the skills which have made me into who I am, especially given the plethora of psychological of juggling, is something I truly enjoy. Moreover, performing for the elderly, who have seen much hardship and are the pioneers of Singapore, is a true honor which I will always cherish.

How might you plan your year of CAS in order to maintain balance?

My CAS activities are:

  • Circus with Local Community Service
  • Performing artist at Bornfire Community Circus Troupe

These help balance my rigorous school subjects; in addition I do a number of science related endeavors which don’t count towards CAS but are still balanced by the relatively fun, physical circus activities.

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2 thoughts on “Initial CAS Reflections

  • August 27, 2019 at 1:21 am

    Some really lovely sentiments here about your involvement with Circus Club. It is great to hear that you hold it in such high regard. I think it will be great if we can find ways to share with the mentor group and our G5 buddies. Great to here that you are taking on a leadership role as chairman.

    Science Society will count for CAS hours as this is also creativity given that you will be working towards “performing” at the science fair. Do keep in mind G11 is the perfect time to broaden your experiences and look at different activities and new experiences.

    • August 30, 2019 at 12:59 pm

      Thank you very much for your advice Ms. Giddins. I will definetely look into expanding the activities and interests I engage in over the course of grade 11 & 12.


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