Ami Kashima


Dance Company 2021 Reflection #1

LO4 Show commitment to, and perseverance in CAS experiences I got to be part of UWC East Dance Company which is a teacher-led contemporary dance group for the upcoming Dance Showcase. The dance groups were divided based on our ability… Continue Reading →

Project Week Reflection #3

LO5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Each member has different strengths so it was important to use our strengths to collaboratively plan the activities. For example, group members who were fluent in Chinese have organized… Continue Reading →

Project Week Reflection #2

LO7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions We have finalized we will focus on organizing language (Chinese and Japanese), singing, dancing, art, and team building activities for project week. Before making detailed plans, we were required to… Continue Reading →

Project Week Reflection #1

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance For project week, I wanted to be part of a service-focused project because I really want to be able to bond with people with completely different backgrounds and cultures in person. I… Continue Reading →

Culturama 2020 Reflection #3

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process Although the process of choreographing, teaching, and polishing the dance were challenging, I was able to develop my skills in creativity, leadership, and management. It was challenging… Continue Reading →

Culturama 2020 Reflection #2

LO4 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. I got to work with great dancers and I enjoyed making the dance better from hearing people’s opinions on dances and formations. For example, some parts of the choreography… Continue Reading →

Culturama 2020 Reflection #1

LO3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience I am co-leading Culturama Kenya and as this is my third time leading a dance, the initial process had been going smoothly. We have been inspired by afro-dance and Kenyan… Continue Reading →

My Review of Grade 11

What did I learn the most about myself this year (as a friend)? I realized that I am pretty optimistic and find the positives even in things that we do not particularly like or unsure of. What did I learn… Continue Reading →

TOK reflection

Name: Ami TOK Grade 11 Year in Reflection What DON’T you get? It’s hard to think of something that I don’t get but during class, it takes time to fully understand the complexity of WOKs and AOKs when I am… Continue Reading →

Circus Reflection #4

LO6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance Since we were not able to teach circus to local communities, we made tutorials for children to learn circus skills and I made a tutorial on how to do cup flips. Due… Continue Reading →

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