Tag Archives: #LO5

CAS Reflection #2: Pre-Season Badminton, Season 3 Badminton, Season 4 Badminton (LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5)

Something I found difficult in the training sessions was that it was hard to stay energetic and focused in training as some days I was tired from school and wanted to rest. Collaborating with my friends in badminton helped me a lot in this as talking with them helped me stay positive and distract me from homework and stress. (LO2, challenges) (LO4, commitment) (LO5, collaboration)

One of the ways I used my management skills in badminton was planning the warmups. I found that in the beginning of when I first joined badminton, I struggled to keep with the coach’s warmup and decided with my friend to do a few warmups together so that I could handle the groups practice better. We stretched our body first and then did some simple badminton exercises to warm up our body. (LO3, planning)

CAS Reflection #1: Art Society (LO1, LO5)

In season 1 and season 2 I was able to join pottery club, and so I already had a familiar experience with being a member of an art club.  I think my strengths are that I collaborate well in art sessions as it pushes my creativity more, and enjoy taking an interest in creative stuff, therefore I found art society engaging and the atmosphere encouraging. Some of my weaknesses I would identify is that I procrastinate a lot, so it takes me some time to start drawing or creating something. (LO1, strengths and weaknesses)

Some people I collaborated with in art society are my friends and the younger students. Since it is a club created by students and not a teacher, the overall mood of the sessions are fun and comfortable. I was able to apply my collaboration skills in situations where I was not as confident in my art abilities and required help from other students. (LO5, collaboration)

CAS Reflection #2: Service (LO1, LO5)

Some previous experiences I’ve had with a service like this is babysitting my neighbours kids and my little cousins as well as doing this service for 3 years so the service has been fun and easy for me to adjust to. An area of improvement I would need to work on is being more confident in my social skills as I still find it hard to engage and interact with the children, especially since I’m not that familiar with them. (LO1, strengths and weaknesses)

(LO5, collaboration)

CAS Reflection #3: Pottery (LO2, LO5, LO6)

So far in pottery all the sessions have been really enjoyable for me and I really like the activity as it helps me to unwind after school and just relax. A challenge that I’ve faced in pottery is remembering all the techniques I learnt in middle school and think of something creative to make. As I struggled with finding something to create I decided to ask my close friends and family around me to see if they needed anything so that I would not be wasting clay and being sustainable. (LO2, challenges)

(LO5, collaboration)

Reflecting on my progress throughout the pottery sessions, I noticed that towards the end I found it extremely relaxing to just sit down, listen to music and create something. It was a really good method of relieving the stress and after talking with the supervisor, he told me about therapeutic art which was really interesting to me. In therapeutic art, it affects a person’s health and well-being and was a way for people to deal with their own trauma. After hearing this, I think I might join another art activity to learn more about this issue. (LO6, global issue)