Writers’ Fortnight – Human Library (19/1/18)

Richelle – Generation Education Period securing the future of girls in Cambodia.

-Girls in Cambodia will miss a week of school every month because of menstruation, a biological process in which nothing can be done, all have to go through it.

-Would like to provide reusable ones

-Have a plan for the future to possibly expand to other neighbouring, developing countries.

-It is a service subsiding green umbrella, they closely work with each other.

I completely agree and support them with everything they do as for anyone missing a quarter of their educational process as a whole can be extremely impactful as they can miss valuable information and time. On top of that, it will be extremely difficult for them to catch up as most of them do not have a computer and will have to depend fully on friends and trust.


Josie – I know my mum loves me, she told me when she died.

-When she was five, her mum passed away from breast cancer.

-Wrote many blog posts and diaries to keep track of the illness, as well as explaining her thoughts and feelings.

-Her mother played a massive impact on shaping her and making her the way she is today.

-After Josie’s mother passed, many relatives had a very good support system, as well as family members of her mother reminding Josie of her and her personality.

-Josie gets some discomfort as all of her friends can talk to their mothers which is uncomfortable with their fathers, but Josie did not have this opportunity.

-If Josie had known that her mother would pass, she would have spent much more time with her.

I personally feel that if I were in her position I would have done the same. A valuable lesson to learn from this would be to spend more time with your parents, relatives or loved ones as these times and memories will not last forever.

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