Subject Selection for IB

While thinking about my subjects in IB, I was also thinking about my future occupation where I  was uncertain about the career that I wanted to pursue. However, the ‘Alumni Careers Carousel’ has positively shaped my subject selection since I have a clearer idea regarding my future career path.

While selecting my subjects I was certain about 3 subjects: HL Analysis (Math), SL Spanish, and SL Language & Literature. However, I was uncertain about my sciences and humanities. I knew that I wanted to go into the science field, however, I was uncertain about the subjects that would complement the science field in general. At first, I wanted to do HL Economics since I was quite interested in the topic and HL Chemistry since it is a requirement for both Medicine and Engineering. I had considered the option of doing 4 HL subjects where I would also do HL Physics, however, after discussing with my parents and teachers, I realized that doing 4 HL subjects with double-sciences would be quite stressful in terms of workload and balance my academic and social life. As a result, I decided to drop HL Economics to SL because in the future, if I change my mind and want to pursue business or finance, then I would still have the option as HL Economics is not a requirement for this field. Additionally, I chose Physics instead of Biology because by doing Physics I have a greater variety of occupations in the science field as it is quite commonly applied in different aspects of science.

As a result, my final decision for my IB subjects are: HL Chemistry, HL Physics, HL Analysis (Math), SL Spanish, SL Language and Literature, and SL Economics.

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