Science Society #1

I have been a part of the Science Society since Grade 10, and I joined this year because I had a lot of fun last year with our discussions about recent discoveries and past discoveries. Additionally, I had a lot of fun during the HS Science Festival last year and I’m really excited about this year’s event.

We have had a couple of sessions, and I believe that our small group collaborations have been really good since we have really good discussions on the discoveries and information presented to us every session. Additionally, before the October break, we did a practical on extracting DNA from strawberries. Every group collaborated in this practical including the leaders which was quite fun since they were able to give insight on how the process works, and the different solutions used. Overall, the sessions have been quite collaborative, where every table group gives their opinion when exploring different scientific ideas. Although there are strict social distancing measures, all members have verbally expressed their ideas very well, and we haven’t faced any collaborative challenges yet.

In my opinion, my goal is to propose more ideas of practicals and events in order to have a mixture of days that are heavily packed with information and days where we do practicals in order to balance and maintain the interests of members. In general, I want to make a valuable contributions with other members this year.

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