Culturama India Reflection #2

Culturama is sadly over, but I had a great experience and I have overcome my challenges. During my last reflection, I mentioned that I was having trouble with the traditional dance, however, I feel that I have strengthened this part of my dancing skills by learning a variety of moves and constantly practicing them. The traditional dance was quite unfamiliar to me, however, I persevered to learn it and I believe that I successfully acquired this new skill. This was quite important for the success of our dance, because, for instance, if I were unable to do the dance correctly, then that would ruin the recordings since it would look odd, therefore, destroying the mood of the performance. I believe that I now have more knowledge about Indian dance styles and forms.

In my opinion, my new knowledge can help me choreograph traditional songs for Indian festivals especially Diwali and Holi. I believe that this skill is quite transferable to my personal life, since I am an Indian, and I am always surrounded by festive seasons in which my family and I dance. Overall, Culturama was a great learning experience about my country’s dance styles.

I’m at the back of this image.

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