When the inmates were interviewed, they revealed the expectations of men in their household and, therefore, depicting societal expectations that led to a path of violence and negativity, subsequently, making them criminals. The editors sequence the shots of the inmates in a way in which one inmate starts off by telling the interviewee the most common and known expectations of men and slowly build-up to the more serious issues that boys/men experience in order to meet these expectations and if not possible, they have to resort to violence in order to solve their problems and feel powerful. Since there are frequent shots of the same group of inmates revealing the different expectations, it displays that there are many societal expectations of men and issues faced by men in order to meet these expectations. At the end of this interview, the scene is ended with the last shot fading out, thus, leaving the audience time to digest the consequences of these expectations and how continuing to pressure boys to comply with these expectations can seriously harm their well-being and future. Through these cinematographic effects, the documentary successfully makes use of the interview where it is able to send a message across to the audience regarding the severity of the issue.