The Reluctant Fundamentalist – Chapter 5

During his stay in Manila, Changez turns on the television and sees the towers of the World Trade Center collapse ‘and then [he] smiled,’ and confesses it to the American. Changez’s feelings of satisfaction at the towers collapsing portray that he does not consider himself as an American as he previously mentions in the book. Additionally, through the use of a sarcastic tone, it seems like he wants to enrage the American by describing his smile and satisfaction, and as a result of this, the American refused to give the beggar money due to his anger at Changez’s insensitivity. Changez compares the footage of 9/11 and the Middle East and exposes the American hypocrisy. I believe that this is a turning point in the book as before chapter 5, he praises America and identifies himself as a ‘New Yorker’ and believes that he belongs in America, however, during 9/11, his true feelings about America is revealed.

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