Unorthodox Visual Analysis

I have chosen images A and C. The similarity between these scenes is that they both portray the issue of freedom. The first image is captured when Esty is in Berlin, riding a taxi to her mother’s home. In this shot, the majority of the image is covered in greenery which can symbolize a fresh environment. Additionally, the golden angel in the shot symbolizes the freedom she now has where she can fly away and conquer her dreams in Berlin. Through this image, a comparison is brought between the environment in Brooklyn and the environment in Berlin, in which she was suffocating in Brooklyn whereas she is now able to freely roam around and follow her passions without having to worry about strict societal norms. In the next scene, there is a flashback to when she got to know that the matchmaker has someone in mind. There is a sudden change in mood and tone in which when Esty questions the matchmaker about the boy, the matchmaker responds in a suppressing tone that she does not have the freedom to pick her soulmate or question the man she could potentially marry. The matchmaker also responds in a way as if Esty was questioning her ability to bring a good match. Although Esty seems somewhat excited, her facial expressions and response to the expectations of the behavior of women foreshadow her unhappiness. Throughout these scenes, soft and solemn music is being played in order to set the mood of dismay, sadness, and regret.

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