Kolkata GC #2

In Kolkata GC, we planned Kahaani, the annual dance showcase, and as the Head of Finance, we devised a successful solution to raise funds from the showcase. Due to COVID-19, we could not have a live audience, therefore, we decided to film the event and share it with the UWC community. To raise funds, my team and I collaborated and found a solution that raised funds from the show from lunchtimes. During lunchtimes, we decided that we would go around raising awareness regarding Voice of World and the mentally and physically disabled community in Kolkata and ask for donations. Additionally, when the recording of the show was sent to the UWC community, we also attached a donation link which received quite a positive response. These methods were quite successful were we able to raise a total of $3494. Although this amount was lower than what we have raised in the past pre-covid, this amount is still a very big amount which can bring about a large impact on Voice of World in Kolkata. I believe that I showed great initiative by launching this new idea. In the future when the condition of COVID-19 improves, and there are live performances for Kahaani, I believe that the current solution we found will also help us increase the amount of money raised.

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