High School Science Fair 2021 – Action Stage

The High School Science Fair has just ended and I am extremely happy about how smoothly it went. I had implemented the different logistical additions that I had decided to implement during my investigation and preparation process. Additionally, even after the preparation stage the leadership team and I discussed different ideas as well. While I was brainstorming this with the leadership team, the members had many disagreements regarding potential solutions alongside the ones we had chosen to implement. However, I was able to take into account everyone’s ideas and combine them to create a plan. Collaboratively, we realized that some people may unconsciously break the one-meter rule, hence, in order to further ensure that a one-meter distance was maintained between the presenter and the viewers, placed safe-distancing stickers on the floor to remind them of the regulations. I was really happy to see that the rest of the leadership team had helped me set up all of the tables, boards, posters, and signs the week before the science fair. Through our collaboration, we were able to quickly set everything up and ensure that everything went according to plan and our vision was accomplished. Even during the Science Fair, we would walk around (I would walk around when I was not presenting) the presentation areas to ensure everything was going smoothly because safe-distancing ambassadors were also present, hence, if they found that regulations were not being followed, then they may complain to the government agencies. Through our collaborative monitoring system, we were able to ensure that COVID-19 measures were enforced. Therefore, while collaboration amongst strong-minded people can cause disagreements when making important decisions, it can also be proven to be beneficial as things can be done quickly and efficiently when all minds are put together and concentrated in specific areas.

These are some pictures from the science fair:

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