Kahaani 2020 Reflection #1

Kahaani is a dance showcase that is run by Kolkata GC in order to raise funds for Voice of World, an NGO that supports those that are physically and mentally disabled.

I had participated in Kahaani last year and I had a lot of fun. So this year, I decided to participate again. Last year, my goal was to overcome my fear of performing in front of large audiences. However, this year I intend to take part in Kahaani with a different goal in mind. This year I have been allocated in a dance group where the choreography is mostly ‘bhangra’, a Punjabi dance style. We have already had one rehearsal, and I had noticed that the dance style is quite different and unique. Since I have never learned this dance style, it was quite challenging to learn parts of the choreography. However, the leaders complimented me on my energy. Although I am aware of my strengths in Indian dance styles, I would like to work towards developing my skills in the traditional dance styles of different states, and this will start with Punjab.

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