Tech Tinkers #5

Although my responsibility as a Chair has ended, in Grade 12, I am still participating in Tech Tinkers in order to help the new Chairs with their responsibilities and give them advice before leaving Tech Tinkers. While it was not a requirement, my commitment towards Tech Tinkers is shown through my drive and perseverance to help the new Chairs despite having more academic commitments. When I became the Chair, the previous Chairs were not there to guide me, and hence, I wanted to ensure that the same scenario was not repeated as a little bit of guidance is always helpful when taking up a leadership role. I have been a part of Tech Tinkers since Grade 9, therefore, displaying my passion through my long-term commitment. I had initially joined to explore new initiatives, but I became really passionate about environmental sustainability as well as helping NGOs to meet their technological needs that I chose to continue. I have come a long way, and it is deeply saddening that I will need to leave Tech Tinkers in a few weeks to focus on my academics. But I hope to drop in sometimes to see the progress and stay connected with the cause.

Our Leadership Team

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