Science Society #3

After the High School Science Fair, we had 2 more months of Science Society remaining until the end of the year. Therefore, the chairs and I had initially planned to do practicals and scientific explorations during each session, however, due to the lockdown imposed in Singapore, we realized that there would be quite a lot of challenges to execute our initial plan, therefore, we had to consider other valid alternatives and contingencies. Subsequently, we decided to create a science magazine that would include as many science fair projects as possible from the members of the Science Society but in a report-like format in order to share our knowledge with the wider school community. Rather than putting Science Society at a halt, my team and I persevered and committed to continue running Science Society until the end of the year. I believe that we were successfully able to adapt to the uncertainties and changes in the situation as we were motivated and committed to participating in the Science Society. 

The Student Scientist: 1st Issue Published

Tech Tinkers #5

Although my responsibility as a Chair has ended, in Grade 12, I am still participating in Tech Tinkers in order to help the new Chairs with their responsibilities and give them advice before leaving Tech Tinkers. While it was not a requirement, my commitment towards Tech Tinkers is shown through my drive and perseverance to help the new Chairs despite having more academic commitments. When I became the Chair, the previous Chairs were not there to guide me, and hence, I wanted to ensure that the same scenario was not repeated as a little bit of guidance is always helpful when taking up a leadership role. I have been a part of Tech Tinkers since Grade 9, therefore, displaying my passion through my long-term commitment. I had initially joined to explore new initiatives, but I became really passionate about environmental sustainability as well as helping NGOs to meet their technological needs that I chose to continue. I have come a long way, and it is deeply saddening that I will need to leave Tech Tinkers in a few weeks to focus on my academics. But I hope to drop in sometimes to see the progress and stay connected with the cause.

Our Leadership Team

Piano Class Reflection #2

Last month, I completed my Grade 5 ABRSM Theory Exams with a distinction. I am quite proud that I was able to overcome my challenges and convert my weaknesses into my strengths as well as become more confident with the new syllabus during a short period of time. I believe that perseverance played an important role during the process of preparing for these exams. With other major commitments to school as well as my extracurricular activities such as the services I am a part of, I was able to balance the preparation of my theory exam as well as my school life. I had been preparing for the Grade 5 theory exams for more than a year, and I was able to commit to continue practicing the prior knowledge I had as well as be flexible with learning new concepts with changes in the syllabus as a result of the pandemic. I believe that my commitment to this has been quite fruitful and I hope that I continue to persevere for the upcoming Grade 5 ABRSM Online Practical Examination during July.