My Reading Goals

What is it about reading that I don’t often read?

If I don’t read, it means that I either don’t have time or that I don’t find it is as enjoyable as other means of using my free time. Recently I have been increasing the amount of time I spend reading, as I do truly believe that it is important to read in order to find out more about the world and myself. 

My reading goals:

My reading goals are to read longer and more advanced books that will be able to challenge my ideas, thoughts, and views on the world. This would mean reading from a larger variety of books and reading more frequently. I would also like to include books that have the ability to support my understanding of certain subjects in school, such as reading a book that involves economics or reading a book which has historical content and significance. 

I think that the most effective way to achieve this would be to set a schedule or a time frame for when I should read and for how long. This would, in theory, create a habit of reading for me, and habits are great to have. 


Here is a list of books which I want to read this year:

  • Lord of the rings (Series)Image result for lord of the rings book coverImage result for a short history of nearly everything book cover
  • Animal farm
  • The art of war
  • A short history of nearly everything
  • Jumpstart your business brain
  • Cosmos

And here is a reading table which will track my reading this year.

Book Table:

Name: Author: Duration: (time spent) Page count:
Outliers Malcolm Gladwell 2.5 hrs (Completed) 335
Animal Farm George Orwell 1 hr (Completed) 101
Harrison’s History Dick Harrison 1 Hr (Reading) 123


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