Telling Stories Reflection

At this current point in English, when we are in the midst of the “telling stories” unit, I would say that it is of great importance to understand why we write stories and tell them to others. From my perspective, the greatest reasoning for it is to spread information, which one likely believes will be able to entertain and create a connection between the listener(s) and the story. Stories ultimately allow for the conservation of thought, through memory, and the conservation of past events.  That is why they are so important because they are vital to the spread of information and human connection.

What really makes stories interesting and worth displaying is that they allow the opportunity for people to connect based on past experiences, achievements, and failures. This allows for connection between people when emotion, empathy, and sensibility are exchanged. That is the origin of the regard and interest in stories.

The role which journalists play in telling stories is paramount, they are the ones who mutter words from other people’s mouths. They are so important because the stories they tell should be truthful, unbiased and create an accurate representation of the subject being discussed. The research, edit, write and then publish work that is seen by audiences small, or big and should, therefore, create truthful stories, corroborated with facts and devoid of biases.  A great journalist is one that takes into account all audiences and talks about both sides of the coin, covering both sides of a story.

Some observations which I have made about the method of storytelling in both the UWCSEA perspectives articles and the featured articles are that they always introduce the subject effectively and are usually highlighting changes in that subject with evidence. A specific observation is that a majority of the UWCSEA perspective articles do retain positive bias, as teams that came 6th or the 7th were said to have done an “amazing” job which seems to be a little too uncritical and almost arrogant to state in light of the placements.

During the writers fortnight I hope to achieve more knowledge and growth in how to write articles, especially in terms of structure and I expect it to be useful for my growth in English.






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