English A 丨Human act thinking

Philosophical questions I think that people do have a moral duty to remember what had happened. The predecessors have done what they think is necessary for their time to build a better future for their descendants. No matter what good or bad, or what exactly have they done to the country, people now need to…

English A | Handmaid’s tale & cleanser advert

In the handmaid’s tale, all handmaids are wearing robes and white wings to cover all their bodies and faces. Similarly, the woman using the cleanser appeared on this advert are dressing really similar costumes. They also have robes and the wings’ like piece to cover up their head. It seems like what only matters to…

English A | Like a rolling stone

The author’s repetition of “How does it feel, how does it feel? To be without a home Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone” emphasis the sense of transformation in the discussion of previous lines. The rhetorical question raised by the author makes the audiences retrospect themselves about this and therefore calls for more…

English A | The times they are-a changing

The author tried to categorize the audiences into different groups and in a progressive way.    “writers and critics” “senators, congressmen” “mothers and fathers” suggests that every one of different social statuses, power, wealth will be impacted and thus calls out for the adaption to change Dylan categorizes the audiences into different types and puts…

中文 | PP2 notes

1. 本篇卷二论文的结构有什么特点? 开头引入,点名主题,从两个方面进行剖析 第一个方面:一篇文章解析,另一篇解析 总结两篇 第二个方面:一篇文章解析,另一篇解析 全文总结,对比两篇文章 2.本篇卷二论文在对文本主题内容的理解与诠释方面有哪些可取之处 文章的引用很多,且是直接的词句与分析穿插,也从几个角度对比剖析了文章。本文语言精炼直接,没有用过多的词藻堆砌,但是透彻地点明了文章运用的手法,以及达到的效果。 3. 划出本篇论文对所评论文本文学手法的评论 “环境描写”“塑造人物形象”“借景抒情”“暗喻”“复沓”“夸张”“明喻”“意象”“象征” 4. 与自己平日所写文章相对比,本文在语言方面有哪些可以借鉴之处 本文的语言逻辑很清晰,并且直接。通过引用以及自己的分析联系主题。本文的语言也紧扣住了文章结构以及主要中心,分析简洁且明了。   file:///Users/ritttta/Downloads/Lit-p2_example_A_zh%20(2).pdf

English | reflection

Who has control of meaning in advertising ? In my mind, the producers who tried to sell products by advertising get quite small control of the meaning. They only get to decide what can be put on the advertisement and what may appeals to the consumers the most. The would use images to imply certain…

English | advertisement analysis

The headline of the advertisement is “ The sneakers makes the man”. It is right in the middle of the image in bold and capital letters. At the bottom is the image of the shoe. And a hidden image at the background.    The orientation of the image is foregrounding, so that people can generally…

English | ad analysis

In the advertisement, regarding the composition, there are five big words in the middle of the picture, and a shoe at the bottom, with the nike logo. The image of the shoes resembles the color of iron man. Also, behind the words, there is a vague picture of iron man with his lights on.   …


关山难越,谁悲失路之人 概括总结 精彩引文 作家:   龙应台,1952年2月13日生于中国台湾高雄大寮乡眷村,现代作家、曾担任“台湾文化部部长”。 作品: 2004年父亲去世后追忆与父亲的过往,多年之后才能明白父亲当年的心思而感到愧疚后悔。因为战争使得父亲与自己的亲人们两地相隔,诉说了两岸之间的距离,及心头之苦。 环境:   文章渲染了多个场景,父亲与家人离别时,氛围是凄苦的,甚至不知道几时得以重聚。再写到最后父亲张口讲话,教孙子念诗,变得温馨了些。 他掏出手帕,坐在藤椅里开始擦眼泪,眼泪还是滴在那只灰白的布鞋底上。这种情形早已烙在你十二岁那年的记忆里。那时离那战争的恐慌、国家的分裂、生离和死别之大恸,才十四年。他想穿着布鞋回家看娘的念头,恐怕还很认真很强烈。 人物:   贯穿全文的是奶奶,父亲,我,以及我的孩子。父亲此时已经开始生病了,变得不愿意交谈。我在终于懂得父亲的爱时,想要鼓励父亲说话。文章中的前三代人都是充满爱意的,而儿子们更加活泼,贴近生活。 孩子们发现奏效了,瞅着你偷笑,脚在桌子底下踹来踹去。是不是很想跟你说话呢,在命你取鞋的时候?突然又静默下来,是不是因为看见了你幼稚和不耐的眼神? 情节:   文章的前部分回忆了我与父亲的记忆,中间还有父亲与奶奶的回忆。父亲讲述了母亲给的布鞋底,常听的四郎探母等的故事。文章最后是父亲与儿子之间的交流。 白天,他穿着笔挺的呢料警官制服,英气勃勃地巡街。晚上,他独自坐在榻榻米上,一边读报,一边听《四郎探母》你要两个在异国生长的外孙去亲近爷爷,讨爷爷欢心 一阵奇怪的沉默之后,他突然说:“好啊,就教他们‘白日依山尽’吧!” 主题归纳:   因为代沟而忽略了亲情,但是这样的代沟带来的代价却让几代人无法越过不论是物理距离,还是心理距离。歌颂了父辈母辈对孩子们的爱,孩子却没办法第一时间感受到。珍惜亲情。 会不会,当他母亲将布鞋塞进他怀里的时候,他也是极其不耐的呢?会不会,他也是过了数十年,白山黑水艰辛涉尽,无路可回头的时候,才蓦然明白过来? 叙事技巧:   记叙顺序:时间顺序和补叙引用:多次引用了古诗句 第二人称及第三人称:用“我”的角度转述,让读者共情,有代入感  他要你朗诵《陈情表》。“我好比笼中鸟,有翅难飞;我好比虎离山,受了孤单;我好比浅水龙,困在沙滩……” 语言风格 多用意象的手法引用古诗词进行共情,以及对主题的升华 采用朴素的白描,具有画面感 镜头感 有……油茶,开白色的花,油茶花。他就“得得了啷当”地跟着哼伴奏,交叠的腿一晃一晃打着节拍 他走路的步子慢了,一向挺直的背脊有点儿驼了,话,越来越少了 个人解读 关山难越在我看来有几层意思。对于父亲来说,他的关山在于自己参军离家,之后再也没有机会会到故土。因为战争这座没有办法翻过去的关山,阻断了父亲对于家乡的所有幻想。而对于作为女儿的我来说,这座关山是我与父亲心理上的鸿沟。因为年龄,经历的代沟,我不理解父亲对家乡的思念,不理解父亲在台湾的格格不入。当我渐渐开始明白父亲,他却逐渐从失语到离世。这样十几年的时间差奠定了我与父亲注定无法理解。这样的代沟也不止出现在我身上,父亲似乎在爱己塞鞋垫给他的时候也不理解,我的儿子们也对妈妈和爷爷的行为而困惑。正如作者所说,是不是真的要“白山黑水涉尽,无路可回的时候”才能真的懂得呢。   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C2C1pzW98kXmsLVEdJRoieRx_WXNM8gaRJj7YxmIomI/edit

Chemistry | How chemistry relates to other subjects

Sulfuric acids—— the indicator of economy Sulfuric acid is an important compound in chemistry, and it is also an indicator of economics. Sulfuric acid is mainly consisted of sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen. It is a colorless liquid and have very strong ability of corrosion, due to its very low pH. Regarding its different properties, sulfuric…