A young prison officer, Christina Lau, was living her normal life. One day, Christina was involved in a life changing car accident.  She became unconscious and ended up in the hospital. Christina thought the injuries she sustained was minor and that everything will be normal again, but she was wrong. She became paralysed from the chest down and ended up in a wheelchair. This was the lowest point of her life and she became very sad. Despite the fact that she was disabled, she had the support of all her family members. This made her keep trying and keep trying to life life. Instead of being sad about it she took the opportunity to try new things and even tried to get a job. She just wanted to feel accepted and do things that normal people would. he also mentioned that the accident made her spend more time with her family as she felt that she was just focused on her work before the accident. I, myself being in a wheelchair recently helps me sympathise with her on a different level. I have total respect for her in terms of her strength and the fact that she keeps going despite everything trying to hold her back. After hearing Christina give speech, it helps me appreciate myself a bit more. It opened my eyes and made me aware of all the things I have. I think the most memorable thing she said was to keep living life to the fullest with no regret as being alive and living are to different things.

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