When I arrived in the auditorium, I didn’t really expect the talk to be interesting. I was proven wrong as I found it really interesting and I actually learned a great deal on what makes an interview successful. Dawson discussed 5 things you need to keep in mind when interviewing someone. I used to think that the complexity of my question was the most important thing. I thought that asking questions with big words would make a good or bad journalist. It turned out that t was the complete opposite. Dawson mentioned that the depth of the response you get from your question should be what I keep in mind. He also mentioned how professional you have to be and also sympathetic at times. I also used to think that journalists were not very highly thought of. He talked about how he met many famous people and how proud he is of his career. It not only opened my mind but it also sparked my interest in journalism. In the free world today, I think journalism is essential and it’s a good way of sharing news and opinions around.

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