Llyn Conwy, The River 7 Analysis

Yeah, here’s my vid, its a bit long I rambled a bit but its still good.

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3 comments on “Llyn Conwy, The River 7 AnalysisAdd yours →

  1. Wow, what a thorough explanation of the River Conwy! I like how you manage to include masses of information about the key processes, making it relevant to the context . This is extremely detailed. I got a bit confused when you moved from the flood plain to the waterfall, so a piece of feedback i would probably give is that it makes more sense if you follow the river’s course and describe the features as you go, rather than jumping from place to place.

  2. Hi,

    In your video, your explanations are really detailed. I am pretty sure that you cover almost all the characteristics of rivers. Your information is also really accurate as well as your diagrams. It was nice to have some music in the background and I thought that it was interesting that you use the diagrams in your booklet. I would like to learn more about the Lower Course as you did not explain too much about that specific area of a river. Lots of your images were zooming in and your transitions don’t happen that smoothly. In other words, make sure your pins are in order and that you have covered everything. You made lots of excuses and extra information as if you have forgotten information. So that means that you should have looked through and add that information. Anyways, it was very detailed and quite interesting.


    Oscar Landgren

  3. I really like the thorough explanations in your video. I think that maybe you could have maybe made your trip more smooth because some of the landforms or some of your pins were in quite a random sequence and didn’t really follow the ‘down the Conwy’ style. I thought your explanations were really great and I like your explanation of floodplains and meanders. Great job!!

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