Popular Culture, Filter Bubbles and My Lack of Free Choice

Recently we’ve been learning about the popular culture, and what it means. Something that has been really interesting to find out about is Filter bubbles. Filter bubbles are basically filters that are put on the internet when you search things up, Google does this a lot to try and give you links that are most similar to what you like. If you where a conservative and you often clicked on links relating to conservatism then eventually fewer articles about liberal actions would appear. Everybody’s internet is already customized to our own settings, do you ever get the feeling that Google knows too much? Advertisements that are so related to something in your own life that you are doing now. These things are all examples of it the filter bubble.

With all of this, it’s really clear for me to see that it would hinder my free choice. Without the opportunity to see several aspects of a topic I’m researching, I would only see a skewed perspective on the issue and not understand the different perspectives thus limiting what I can see and understand of the world. Also in a way, this can have an impact on what I perceive as cool/popular due to targeted marketing. In popular culture, we learned the 3 different ‘levels’ of popular culture. A fad, trend, and icon. All of these things might affect what you view as popular. When Pokemon Go came out it was a fad, it was really popular for a few months but eventually, it died down. I guess in a way the whole hypebeast clothing industry is also a trend because an icon started wearing these clothes, and lots of other people also wanted to wear them. Even now I own 2 pairs of ultraboost which is one of the hype beast shoes.

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2 comments on “Popular Culture, Filter Bubbles and My Lack of Free ChoiceAdd yours →

  1. ayy sup its ya girl whose name is the same as ur surname.
    I agree with how popular culture can also possibly affect your filter bubble for the internet.

  2. I agree with what your saying about when your never exposed to a different perspective. This can actually get quite dangerous since your never exposed to what other people think and you end up stuck in your own bubble without ever seeing to sides of the story. I think that this a good post and your bringing up so good points here.

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