Source 1

Currency – 4

It was posted with an established date but was posted a month ago and there are few updates since then so the source is a little out of date.

Reliability – 4

It is very clear and concise information, the information is relevant and not out of date. There is an in-depth understanding of the issue which is shown clearly as there is another source brought in to talk about the topic.

Authority – 4

Although the news source is legitimate there is no real proof that this cure is real and there is not enough information to support the idea the professor is trying to make.

Purpose – Information is thorough and relevant but not many viewpoints are included and therefore it is not free from bias.

Source 3

Currency – 4

It was posted with an established date but was posted a month ago and there are few updates since then so the source is a little out of date. But at the same time, the topic is really relevant nowadays.

Reliability – 5

Very clear and relevant information and there is an in-depth understanding