Elena – Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

How could she do such a thing after everything I have done for her, I am supposed to be seen as an amazing parent by everyone else and now this is just ruined. Everyone will think of me differently now, they will not think of all the good things I have done for this community. I just want to give back and help but its impossible with someone like Izzy. She was nothing of what I was like when I was younger. I was the popular one, why can’t she just be like me? Lexie is exactly like me, the perfect embodiment of me that I can use to show my friends how good of a parent I am. Izzy just won’t ever listen to me. Perhaps I am not a good parent. What have I done to deserve this, I just don’t get it. I give her all she wants. She thinks she can wear some death suit to the recital like she is some goth but I could never let anyone see my daughter like that, everything must be perfect. I woke up at exactly 6:00 AM sharp thinking that today was going to do be an amazing new day with the recital coming up but I was wrong. This is the worst day of my life, everyone will think so differently of me now. Perhaps during my morning workout, I should have thought more about what she wanted and not what I always want for me and the family.