LO -5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively
During our fielding sessions, the entire team has been on the field together. The fielding sessions are quite intense with multifaceted drills as balls are being thrown around in many directions and it needs to be fielded and needs backup. These drills help us emulate an intense match situation when fielders need to be ready and there need to be aware team-mates. Initially many balls went through the hands of fielders, backup was not ready and people were not aware of the situation. It showed that we were not working as a team or unit. We needed to increase our communication with each other, calling names and other team-mates making fielders aware of what is happening.
I was one of the players who would be motivating the players while I was in the back of the line. I would also verbal communicate with my teammates to let them know if they need to back up or where they need to be. This collaboration created a flow in our fielding session and benefitted us by being a better fielding unit.