Looking back, Aida was a very cruitial experience in my HS journey. Not only did I develop skills of dance, choreography, and acting, but I also learned how to deal with challenges, disappointments and learned how to collaborate well with a group of people I don’t know all that well.

Bersama 2018-19

This year in Bersama, I’ve been trying to work more on my ability to harmonize with melodies. Since I’ve been singing Hindustani music since I was 5 yrs old, a music style that doesn’t incorporate much harmony in their style, it has always been hard for me to pick out harmonies on my own. Another […]

EE Day reflection

One thing I’ve learned today about my research is that a major part of my initial plan was to investigate and evaluate the effects that the production process of hydroquinone has on the environment, however, only 0.05% of hydroquinone that is actually manufactured goes into skin whitening creams, so even if all skin whitening creams […]