Culturama Greece R1

After: During this whole process, we did come across a few problems towards the end, two of which were missing/lost costumes and dancers being upset with their positions, but we managed to pull through. I think what helped me most during this process was relying on my dance leader partner, as it was very valuable […]

Applications and interviews

At the beginning of the year, the admission’s office in our school asked for students who were willing to help them facilitate a forum for the students who were applying to the school. They believed that students should be involved in the admission process as well, as we have can obtain a different perspective about the […]


Looking back, Aida was a very cruitial experience in my HS journey. Not only did I develop skills of dance, choreography, and acting, but I also learned how to deal with challenges, disappointments and learned how to collaborate well with a group of people I don’t know all that well.

Bersama 2018-19

This year in Bersama, I’ve been trying to work more on my ability to harmonize with melodies. Since I’ve been singing Hindustani music since I was 5 yrs old, a music style that doesn’t incorporate much harmony in their style, it has always been hard for me to pick out harmonies on my own. Another […]

HS Demiurge

This year I started my own activity, called Demiurge. Demiurge is an online platform that works towards publishing the creative literary work of students in High School. I knew starting Demiurge would be difficult and challenging as starting any new activity would be in this school that already has a plethora of activities going on every day. […]

AIDA The Musical – #1

This year I’m in the musical AIDA, playing the role of a Nubian woman. I joined AIDA mainly because of the amount of fun I had in the previous musical Jesus Christ Superstar. In this musical, however, I’m more involved in the dancing side than music. At first, I was a bit upset about this as […]

Women of Influence Conference

Day 1 When I first walked into the library (where the conference was taking place), I have to admit, I did feel a little out of place in the room. There were many women mingling about, all of them looking confident, smart, and knowledgeable. I was relieved and glad when my fellow grade 11 joined […]