Culturama Greece R1

After: During this whole process, we did come across a few problems towards the end, two of which were missing/lost costumes and dancers being upset with their positions, but we managed to pull through. I think what helped me most during this process was relying on my dance leader partner, as it was very valuable […]

Applications and interviews

At the beginning of the year, the admission’s office in our school asked for students who were willing to help them facilitate a forum for the students who were applying to the school. They believed that students should be involved in the admission process as well, as we have can obtain a different perspective about the […]

HS Service Exec #2

Being in service exec has been one of the most fulfilling and challenging activities I’ve been involved in. Challenging because it has made me rethink many of the ways in which I live my life, and how I can do more to help the environment and the people around me in my local community and […]

GC- Green Umbrella

Season 1 and 2 I’ve been a part of the Green Umbrella GC for two years and every year I appreciate it’s mission more and more. The GC works with the NGO Green Umbrella in Cambodia that works to provide education to underprivileged children in Phnom Phen. Over the last two years we’ve raised funds […]

Project Week

Before The planning process leading up to Project Week as a whirlwind for me. I can confidently say that I learned so much from that experience. I learned to be positive, not get bogged down by small things, and to remain calm. The difficulties in project week arose from the tight schedule that was before […]


Looking back, Aida was a very cruitial experience in my HS journey. Not only did I develop skills of dance, choreography, and acting, but I also learned how to deal with challenges, disappointments and learned how to collaborate well with a group of people I don’t know all that well.

Bersama 2018-19

This year in Bersama, I’ve been trying to work more on my ability to harmonize with melodies. Since I’ve been singing Hindustani music since I was 5 yrs old, a music style that doesn’t incorporate much harmony in their style, it has always been hard for me to pick out harmonies on my own. Another […]