What songs matter to you right now?

I’ve been listening to music I’ve wanted to make. A wide variety really, I don’t really follow artists all though I do have artists that I like. For the longest time I’ve tried to figure out how to make music like my favourite artists. I’ve tried my hand but my limitation was my software, it was designed for a different type of music, on top of that my hardware was very limited, my Mac does not have a good enough cpu to buffer a large project every time I need to mix or tune the minor details in the synths I create or the EQ of the bass. There are some artists that I like purely because of the type of character they are rather then the music they create, an example of this would be Post Malone, but artist like Joji or Madeon are people that can make me laugh but also give me a neat track to listen to. Creating music is important to me because it’s sharing something I created to listen to with other people and maybe have them feel the same way I do. The music I create almost never has lyrics so all the information and ambience comes from my technical ability to master the audio. I play one instrument and that’s the bass, using my limited music theory I have the potential to create an unlimited amount of music despite no knowledge of other instruments. Playing in a band will always be different than creating music on your computer keyboard but the options and complexity is so much more through a machine than I could possibly achieve with real instruments. I don’t like to talk about my music taste as it’s very spread across, sometimes I’m listening to electronica sometimes it’s a Beatles song other times it’s Call Me Maybe from 2012 by Carly Rae Jepsen, if I had to sum it up in one word, that word would be fast, it’s not completely accurate but it’s the closest I could find. I like music where things are always going on where it gives you a lot to take in, not loud, fast, songs like “Feel Good Inc” by the Gorrillaz is an example of a song that I’ve enjoyed for a long time, it’s tempo is pretty quick but it has the constant stimulation through the laughs, vocals and bassline. Songs like 505 by the Arctic Monkeys, that have a slow tempo, aren’t necessarily ‘slow’ songs, the variation and nuances is what makes a song interesting something that’s often lost through electronic music. The best electronic music, ironically, is the music that recreates these nuances artificially, humans like perfect things, but they always feel weird, flaws are important because otherwise it wouldn’t feel real. That’s the music that matters to me, music that reminds me that flaws can be things we like.

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