It is time for the annual (semi-annual, really) struggle. The choosing of activities and service from the eye-stretchingly long list on the CIMS system. However, this year, I had some help in the service department. This was because, this year, there was a Service Expo, wherein we could visit different service’s booths and learn some more about them than could be possible from a glance at their names on the website. This was how I found out about the Tech Tinkers, as well as the UWCSEA Rainforest Restoration Project.

Tech Tinkers is a college service wherein broken laptops and phones (or any other electric devices) are taken in and repaired (with knowledge taken from our mentor, a learned and experienced intern named Et). These devices are then given to other GCs that find ways to incorporate them into education programs, such as new classes in digital literacy. I find this service intriguing as it takes a slightly unusual way (for this school at least) of solving 2 problems at once: Reducing digital waste and getting internet connections to disadvantaged youths. I believe I could make quite a difference with this service, and as an added bonus, perhaps learn more about how these devices work and are made.

The UWCSEA Rainforest Restoration Project is a service in which we grow endangered tree seedlings in the school before planting them around the island with the help of the Botanic Gardens. This is not only to keep those wonderful tree species from extinction, but also to maintain habitats for other local wildlife.

However, I can only sign up for these services from Season 3, so, for now, I am looking forward to my activities.

For the first time in years, I have found a sport (or, at least, a physical activity) that I found interesting: Boxing. I like the independent nature of it, and it being co-ed doesn’t hurt either. It was in P.E. classes and school trips that I really got to experience it, and although my rather traditional parents may be against it, I decided to continue, on Friday afternoons. I intended to do it on Tuesday afternoons too, but my mother threw a fit about me doing that instead of the Orchestra, so I changed back.

Contrary to what you may believe, I am not that unhappy about being “encouraged” to join the Orchestra. I believe it would serve as inspiration for me to improve at my flute playing (which is quite rubbish as of now, I must admit). However, it would give me the chance to experience whether my flute sound quality as my flute teacher claims it is, which will be interesting. However, I do not look forward to the inevitable performances and the mandatory dress-wearing that comes with it.

In Season 3 and 4, I intend to join the Introduction to Python Coding club instead of continuing Boxing. A few years ago, I did learn some “coding” in Scratch but have never done it in the “real way”. I have heard a lot about how difficult coding is, as well as it’s power in creating software and other things. This challenge may be tough on a Friday, but I think I can manage it, especially as it may help some in my Systems class, with me creating something that can be programmed, perhaps?

All in all, I am very excited for what the year will hold in this sense, and can’t wait for next Tuesday when my first Activity day will be.