Towards the end of my third year at UWC, I decided that I wanted to contribute something more meaningful to the school than chores for various college services. So, after some encouragment from friends, I signed up to be a College Service executive officer. After the submission of a personal statement, a teacher reference, and a nerve-wracking interview, I eventually ended up as a College Service media and advocacy officer.

Of course, this comes at the expense of having to give up my role in the beloved Rainforest Restoration Project. It was quite a difficult decision to make, as I saw the RRP doing tangible good and having lots of potential to expand. It was one of my best and most engaging experiences with any college or local service. However, I reasoned that I could join Urban Gardening, which appealed to the want of preserving Singapore green spaces, corridors, and connection to nature that made me join RRP. Of course it has the focus on food security and not on biodiversity, but the tangible action is still there. There is also the fact that I could volunteer with biodiversity groups in Singapore more directly. And of course, I could always pop by to water the treelings outside of official service hours.  Also, I felt that, as a College Service exec, I could still indirectly help RRP (perhaps giving it extra time and attention) and its management.

One reason I joined the Service exec was this reason specifically. Many local and college issues are not so well-known with the students, including a lot of the services I joined. Especially with my surprise role as a merdia and advocacy exec, I could raise the schoolwide consciousness around what we all do. I also wanted to make students better able to find a service that speaks to their passions and/or interests. This is because I believe that, deep down, everyone cares about something. If people could find services they are genuinely invested in, they will do more than the groaned bare minimum and so tangible impact will increase, and they will also learn more. Being in a service you love, I’ve found, also increases compassion for other similar causes.

There is also the more selfish reason of wanting to improve my leadership skills and professionalism.

So all in all, I still think it is a good idea that I decided to join the service exec, and I am very pleased with the role that I have accepted. Here’s to the start of a great new journey!