• The paper T – needing to be consistent with working on stuff as forgot how to use logger pro and what method we used, and also needed to label videos so we could be clear which was 4 clips and which 5
  • The paper T  – difficulty of collaboration
  • Paper T – sometimes will just be given tasks that are entirely homework, so have to manage self to keep working on them
  • Saltwater – thoughts in doc

As of today, I have finished one practice data analysis, my half of a full practice IA, and have started data analysis for a full, independent practice IA. From all of these, I have learned multiple do’s and don’ts that will likely be helpful for the real deal. Especially with the last practice IA, I felt I did many things wrong. But I will summarise my reflections into the SWOT framework:

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Being very flexible with my method and adjusting it to the equipment that I can access and time constraints
  • Had high personal interest in the experiments, as I am good at making connections (in this case, between a simple experiment and a topic I am interested in)
  • Focused during data collection
  • Trials can take too long (e.g. ~5 min each for last practice) so I had to stop collecting data to make time for analysis even as the number of trials wasn’t representative
Opportunities Threats
  • Can increase personal engagement by creating own equipment (can also address threat of physics lab not having ideal stuff)
  • If I lack consistency with working on IA, I may forget what I’m doing or how to use data collection tools. To prepare for this, must label all data in raw data spreadsheet or video form clearly, and write down a rough method as I collect data (perhaps while waiting for results)
  • The Physics lab doesn’t always have the ideal equipment or give me what I expected
  • Not understanding how data collection software (eg, Vernier) can be optimised at first