What I did well

  • Nuanced analysis of some things
  • Researching the cultural context of references such as Bible quotes


Key Take-aways on how to improve What to do instead / Details
Conventions of essay writing

  • No first person
  • Don’t use simple connectives like “firstly”
  • Use connectives that establish relationships between paragraphs e.g. “in contrast”
Structure / organisation

  • Don’t write the IO like 2 separate analyses
Intro structure

  • Introduce the issue 
  • Introduce the body of work (not just name but intro to content) 
  • Contextualise extracts within greater body of work (also in analysis)
Adding nuance to analysis
  • Consider different possible analyses / perspectives
  • The narrator and poet don’t always have the same views or perspective
  • Unpack imagery used by looking at the cultural connotations of the object(s) individually, not just how they’re used in the text
Improving IO bullet notes
  • More bullet notes needed on how to structure intro, conclusion
Don’t treat the two extract analyses as separate essays Unsure how I could do this, will ask my teacher
More analytical or impactful phrasing of topic sentence Unsure how I could do this, will ask my teacher