A teacher in a prison

Chris Huntington looks like the last person you’d see in an American prison. At first glance, he is the archetypical, skinny American teacher – the one with the students rolling their eyes in the films. And yet, he taught medium-security prisoners so that they...

Omer and his Cousin with Autism

I do not pretend to know much more than average about Autism Spectrum disorder, aside from observations of my older cousin (who is thought to be somewhere on the spectrum) and half-remembered medical facts. So it was a great opportunity to learn more when my...

Feature Articles – Journalism

What is a feature article? A newspaper or magazine article that delves deeply into one topic or story. They tend to be quite sensationalist, and often emphasise how that topic/person is part of a story or narrative. Instead of reporting on overall trends or public...

Learning in English – Term 1

This term in English I have learned a lot of new skills, vocabulary, and new things to pay attention to more in life. English is both the subject I am best at, and one that is among my top 3 favourites, so I hope that this learning of things I find interesting or...