Post 3: Update on CAS = Correlation between my interests and CAS

I personally feel as if CAS is a good opportunity is a good way to push me outside of the normal and engage with more activities within the school community. Last year I did Culturama for the experience, however this year I have decided to do it again as part of my requirements for CAS (Being the creativity aspect). Furthermore, I have worked with services before that focus on the wellbeing of those who are mentally challenged, therefore I wanted to bring this interest forward and apply this to my CAS. this year I have decided to participate in a local service called ‘swimming with Hougang care center’, not only am I familiar with the service aspect and the dynamics but I found it comforting to know that swimming was the main focus. I am part of the swim team at school and have been f0r 8 years now, therefore incorporating something that is known to me is was a good way for me to integrate my interests and new steps forwards that are a bit more out of my typical comfort zone.

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