Practice IO written reflection

Reflection topic:


What was the hardest part of the task?


I personally find it very intimidating having to talk constantly for 10 minutes. I tend to struggle when it comes to linking my ideas and thought processes together, therefore this task was a bit uncomfortable. Furthermore, it was harder for me to go into a deeper analysis of the two pieces than I expected, due to the fact that I had to connect it all back to one claim and ultimately one global topic/concern.      


What do you feel was the most successful part of your effort?


I think I was able to find the specific details within both the text and photographs, this allowed me to emphasize the author’s intentions. Furthermore, I was able to give good examples from the literature and non-literature text in order to provide evidence for my points and claims.   


In what ways was your outline incomplete? What did it leave you to keep track of in your head? 


I was unable to write a well thought out conclusion, I feel as if it is too vague and does not 100% link back to my original claim and global topic that I chose to focus on. I wasn’t able to write notes detailed enough to portray my understanding of the text (from the help) and the photograph (from Gordan parks)    


What did you “leave out” that you wanted to say (or wish you’d said)? 

  • I should have talked more about the main idea/concept and how that connects to the literature and non-literature aspects of English. 
  • The idea about racial segregation and how civilization has shaped the stigmas based around race 
  • How both authors portray the initial racial barrier formed through societal normals and status to develop a hidden message underneath the stigmatized and stereotypical stigmas.  
  • Given more context about specific things such as the bridge club in ‘the help’ in order for a better understanding of the audience.
  • How do you feel the questions went? Were you taken by surprise? Able to speak well? 




I think I was able to answer the questions with confidence, however, I found myself repeating a lot of the same words and concepts throughout it. The questions were thoughtful and enhanced my claim by questioning the influence/roles of the black race in the first place.   

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