What is a personal essay? (Modern Love)

What is a personal essay? 

A personal essay can be interpreted in various ways, however, it is typically known as a broad essay that regularly incorporates a variety of text styles and craft (from the author). They are based on a specific and significant person, event or time period in their life. Ultimately a personal essay outlines an event or situation in a format that a reader can understand, interpret then possibly relate to on an emotional/personal level.
– The experience written about is relative to the author and their emotions (most of the time)

Can you link to some examples BESIDES “Modern Love”?

Another possible example would be a NETFLIX original called ’13 reasons why’. The show is based on a book that connected to the author and their experiences growing up. The devastating topic of adolescent suicide plays a big role in the establishment of emotional connection and investment. Each episode is a build-up of events that lead to ‘Hannah Bakers’ suicide. The various events are all presented in a way that breaks down the dark times that suicidal thoughts and actions can cause.

Another example that comes to mind is ‘Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter’. The many serials that are written by Pedro Camacho are dis-continuous and don’t necessarily connect to each other explicitly but more implicitly. They all connect through a larger theme, of imagination and reality boundaries. And modern love episodes similarly don’t connect explicitly, however through the big theme of love and passion the episodes are built up to a larger picture of experience.
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