Service Update (Quarantine): What are we doing to keep in touch with service partners?

I am one of the two chairs (along with poppy) for the local service; Swimming with Hougang Care center. The physical barrier of not being with our service partners has completely shut off our communication with them, however, we have brainstormed and come up with many ways in an attempt to regain a connection with them. One of the first was drafting a well-crafted email to the head of the center requesting daily skype calls with them just to hear their voices and keep the verbal communication constant with them, secondly before school went out we made ‘happy easter’ and ‘best wishes’ cards and sent them in the mail to the center just to show that they are all appreciated and missed by us. For myself the main goal was to maintain the connections and meaningful relationships with our partners, it took so long to gain them, and to lose all of that over something that we can’t control (COVID) would be a shame. Furthermore, in terms of the participants within the service, poppy and myself are setting up and implementing weekly calls after school in order to keep ou portfolio posts up to date and our progress in order. As for now, this is the best that we can do without physical contact with one another, but I truly believe that everyone’s willingness to keep the normal schedule up outside of school is impressive for me to see.



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