C (Creativity): F1 club – Two seasons



  • Must keep the same structure as the original template given
  • Must not be any wider than 30mm – 3cm
  • The canister must be inserted at the back – (the same spot as the original template)
  • Must be able to attach to the racing track


  • My aim was to design the most aerodynamic car possible with the least amount of friction. I needed a lot of help as I had not done anything DT-related since grade 8, however, with guidance and support I was able to progressively get the hang of it and use existing knowledge to try out a bunch of designs along the way. The photo below was my final product after a large amount of trial and error.
  • In terms of the body of the car, it was kept pretty much the same as the original template given, however, I added features that would allow the air to skim off the top of my car rather than slow it down. For example, I added two cardboard trips on either side of the car in order to stop air from getting trapped in the main body. Secondly, I added wings at both the back and front of the car as a way of directing the air flow above my car rather than under (as it would cause friction between the air, wheels, and the ground)
  • Overall I am happy with the outcome of the car, raced pretty fast, the only thing is I probably would have changed the color scheme of my car as I think the grey and red clash and make it unappealing to the naked human eye.


  • My main aim was to design a car with the highest velocity and efficiency possible
  • The images below were my initial design as I am still working on the new design (currently)
  • The plank/base was made of light wood, almost styrofoam and the white bracket placed on top was for the generator to clip into, along with the propeller. The second image shows two pieces of cardboard that were cut and measured to be the body of the plane. The idea behind it was that the narrower and thinner the body the more aerodynamic it would be when flying.


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