Hidden and seen identity, PSE

Within this Iceberg there are both hidden and seen identities that correspond to people. Personally I feel as if the seen identities are more facts and statements then things you can describe people by. My identity as I know it to be does not change however I do feel as if my characteristics and traits can alter from time to time depending on the influences and people I am surrounded by, meaning I can be shy around those I don’t know well and possibly come across as an introvert, however when I know the people or person well I would categorize myself more towards the extrovert end of the spectrum.

As time goes on my values and beliefs are still forming and being shaped through experiences and outcomes of situations both in my day to day life and out of the normal. I feel as if both academics, activities, and service shape me as an individual and influence my thinking style. Furthermore family plays a big role in influencing my values both at home and at school, leading to an open approach to most topics.

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