Perception; each articles different perspective on the same person

Focus questions 

  • How have the writers’ differing audiences and purposes shaped the telling?
  • How do the two stories we read about Michelle Yeoh “represent” her —tell her story in different ways?

One article is titled: “Crazy Rich Asians, Michelle Yeoh has kicked but for three decades” whist the other article states “Michelle Yeoh and the billion-dollar whale: what do ‘you’ have to say about it?”. The two stating different perceptions of the same person and their life story.

Text A summary:

  • makes Michelle out to be a superior female representative
  • Showes empowerment and representation of her as an actor
  • States only positive facts about her identity and appearance
  • praises her Asian ethnicity as a breakthrough for Holywood studio to produce a full Asian cast movie

Text B summary:

  • Almost making fun of Michelle’s accomplishments by implying that she should not have been the producer when she was an actor within the film.
  • Condescending tone
  • Degrading statements, referring to her name as a joke (social media, twitter influencing this)

When comparing the two articles it is evident through the tone and word choice, that they are both portraying a different side to Michelle Yeoh. One article uses simple details such as her mannerisms during the interview to portray a powerful woman and influencer (“She puts her glass of wine down to demonstrate the stunts that have become her trademark over the last three decades shes spent kicking ass”). Whilst the Straits Times highlights the little and essentialy ‘insignificant’ fact that she has ‘ fooled the prime minister’ by being both a co-director and actor in ‘Crazy Rich Asians’.

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