Implications of COVID-19 on CAS (Lo6, Lo7) (including Project Week)

LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. LO7-Recognize and consider the ethical implications of choices and actions Before we were in a pandemic, I wasn’t taking the situation too seriously. Especially since everyone around me was joking about it and didn’t seem too worried.  So I was surprised and a bit mad that they canceled…

Art and Craft with PCF 858 Kindergarten – Global Significance (Lo6)

LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance My initial reason for joining the service was that I thought it would be a fun activity. However, after learning the kindergartens(PCF SparkleTot’s) mission and spending some time with the kids, I have also realized the larger reason for joining this service.  PCF 858 Kindergarten is part of the PAP…

Art and Craft with PCF 858 Kindergarten – a session with the kids (Lo2)

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process For today’s service, our plan was for each group member to bring a few toilet rolls for a craft activity where the kids would use this recycled material to create an animal.  However, not everyone brought them and so we were forced…

Art and Craft with PCF 858 Kindergarten – Ethical Implications (Lo7)

LO7-Recognise and consider the ethical implications of choices and actions After visiting the kids once, we had a session without them to plan future activities we would do with them. However, we also had a short discussion about the possible differences between us and the children’s cultural backgrounds or economic situations to begin to consider…

Art and Craft with PCF 858 Kindergarten – First session (Lo3, Lo5)

LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively This year I joined the Art and Crafts with PCF 858 Kindergarten service, where we provide engaging arts and crafts activities for kindergarteners every weekly visit. During our first session at school, we got to know…