Common Task 1: Representation


Historically, racism has been highly talked about a topic that has lasted for as long as anyone can remember. Today, however, racism is becoming less and less common, as many are passionate about fighting against it, and the lives of people like the African-Americans are becoming easier and easier. But back in 1930, an Advertisement was released promoting a white veneer, by a company by the name of ‘Elliot Paint & Varnish co’. This Chicago based Company wasn’t stupid, they weren’t even racist, at least according to the majority at the time. In the past, racism was common in the majority of places around the world, and America, more specifically Chicago, was no different. Considering that slavery had ended decades prior to the advertisement, it’s a real issue as to why so many people at the time were so Racist. The advert was one of the thousands just like it, as many companies used racism as a marketing tactic, and unsurprisingly, the public took to it well. Looking more into the advert, directly in the center stands two black children, symbolized extremely inaccurately with their clothing and overall physical appearance. The two black children can be seen painting each other with the white varnish from ‘Elliot Paint & Varnish co.’, with noticeable smiles on their faces as if they finally could be white. The ad possibly used the black children as a ‘funny’ or engaging symbol that the public would be able to enjoy, and therefore boost the purchases of their product. The portrayal of the majority of black people was very similar to this in the time period and location. 

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