Campbell’s Tomato Soup Analysis Reflection

I think I did a lot better than I anticipated if I’m being honest. Looking over the essay after getting it back, I now see the areas that I could have improved on. I think as Ms. Wallace mentioned in the feedback, my biggest area of growth and improvement should be in focusing on going into more detail when I make my analysis. Even though I tend to state my observations and provide evidence, I still need to go deeper into my analysis and actually try to explore more into my points. I think I also need to provide more applicable and effective evidence, as I believe that it would greatly help me in my deeper analysis. For example, when I mentioned the relationship between the woman and the actual can of Campbell’s tomato soup, I could have explored this idea deeper as a better, more applicable quote for evidence would have not only helped me analyze this relationship deeper but also could have possibly helped me branch into new, possibly linked ideas to also analyse.

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