Thetis – Practice Essay Reflection

1. One thing you did well in your writing or thinking about the poem

I think that the one thing that was shown well in my writing about Thetis was the ideas and thinking I had about the poem. I think my analysis was decent, as I feel like I went into depth about the poem and some of it’s hidden meanings and interpretations. One thing that impacted this, however, was the way I communicated these ideas. Whether that be communicating it in my writing and getting it on the essay, or the way the ideas were structured. Overall though, I think I analyzed the text pretty well and drew good ideas from them.

2. What you need to feed forward to your next essay practice – structure? Nailing your topic sentences? Creating a strong argument? Go back to my feedback.

The most common work-on for me was the overall structure of my writing. The poor structure in my writing let me down as it didn’t really let me get my ideas across as well as I would’ve liked. I also think that it would have been much easier to write the analysis about Thetis with a better structure as it helps form ideas with the sentences. I think the easiest fix for this would be spending more time during the actual writing process itself, as well as going over the writing clearly to fix any issues with the structure.

3. What’s challenging about writing an essay? What can you do to make it better in your next attempt?

The biggest challenge for me was probably the structure of the writing. This is more in each paragraph itself, rather than the entire overall structure (eg. which paragraph is what). Another challenge for me would be finding the right words and sentences to elaborate on my ideas as well as to get them across. This can be easily fixed as I think they both somewhat go hand in hand. Fixing structure will directly help me to elaborate on my ideas and to effectively write them down. The way to fix this is to spend more time thinking about the structure of the writing and to go over the essay after to make sure it’s clearly done and the ideas are clearly stated in an orderly way.

Link to the Thetis analysis essay: here


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