Economic Growth versus Environmental Stabililty

Global Perspectives

The conservation of our environment continues to be a growing issue today. With newly conducted studies and advanced technology, people have begun to recognise the potential environmental issues our planet is yet to face today. Society view our world in two ways: economic growth and environmental stability. However, these two concepts don’t come hand and hand.

One on side of the spectrum of environmental philosophies, we have ecocentric thinkers. These people believe in biorights (universal rights for animals) and that all living organisms have their intrinsic value. Additionally, to a certain extent, they believe that nature may be more of value than human existence. These thinkers are purely natured centred.

However, on the other side of the spectrum, we have technocentric thinkers. These people believe through technology and innovation, all potential threats will be resolved. They believe we have access to infinite resources and a thriving economy and capitalism is essential for all future problems to be tackled.

As you can see above from the descriptions above of ecocentric and technocentric perspectives, there is a clear contrast between the value of economic growth and the importance of environmental stability. There is great tension between these two concepts because ideally, both of them are essential for our planet to function. However, with the way our earth functions today, some people may prioritise one value over the other.

In my opinion, I believe both are crucial for the well being of our planet. However, I align more with the technocentric ideology. This is because I have always valued economic progress and seen it as something superior to the other essentials. The economy is the reason why we have access to shelter, education, resources and other necessities. But with an economy, comes a sustainable one. For example, We must attach taxes on the production and sale of harmful goods and on harmful resources for our economy to comprise an element of environmental stability as well. Although I am closer to the technocentric side of the spectrum, I believe that certain theories of the ecocentric perspective should be applied in order to nurture our planet onto the correct path.