This Is How Much Diet Coke I Drink in A Day

As we get closer to the end of this Circuit Breaker period we want to have hope that life will return back to normal, as a student that meant wanting to go back to school. But the other day it came to our notice that we would not be returning back to school until the next academic school year. Even though the announcement came as a disappointment it did not come as a surprise. As a cohort, we had already finished our syllabus and were ready to take our exams (but they were cancelled) and there were other grades that are prioritised to return. During this very unexpected time we don’t know what to expect, every day of remote learning has been different we don’t know what other unexpected events could occur. My love (and habit of drinking Diet Coke)  has not died during quarantine and it is probably one of the only things that have stayed the same. There has been a shortage of Diet Coke in supermarkets and I’ve had to drink the Original Coke (there’s a difference in taste, believe me) whenever I check the pantry and see that my parent has found Diet Coke it honestly feels like the equivalent of finding buried treasure. I’ve gone through bottles of Diet and Original Coke through spring break and quarantine that they’re all stacked in my room. Diet Coke has been my constant through this quarantine, as we combat through this pandemic find something that keeps you grounded. Whether it’s a person, a pet, a hobby, or Diet Coke.


In tribute of not returning back to school here is how a day of remote learning usually goes, there’s a lot of photos of my laptop to go with it. 


7:55- Wake Up

I lay around for a few minutes and when I finally get myself up I brush my teeth and wash my face.


8:00 (More like 8:07 or later)- Mentor Time

Sorry Mr Williams for coming late to mentor every day, also I wouldn’t consider this breakfast but its a quick snack.


8:20- School Starts

That means I start my schoolwork, currently, I have several projects going on. I’m working on a project about ecological architecture, here I’m reading on the role of green roofs and its benefits in reducing carbon emissions and making buildings energy efficient.


9:40- Eat (Actual) Breakfast

Here’s my pastrami, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. For photo purposes only, the sandwich is cut into rectangles. Triangles taste way better!


10:00- More Classes

Probably the longest and hardest part of the day

On this day it was Nagu’s birthday and we got a special birthday performance from Mr Goldstein’s daughter, which was probably the most exciting part of the week

We did actual work as well, I read an interesting article from the Guardian on how COVID-19 has affected New York City and I thought it was worth sharing.


12:45- Lunch (Finally)

I watch an episode of Criminal Minds or Bon Appétit while eating lunch, and it’s also the time where I have my first glass of Diet Coke (that’s already half drunk). I ordered some sushi to support the local businesses during this time.


15:00- School Ends

I normally watch a minimum of one episode and a maximum of two episodes of Criminal Minds before I take my big fat nap, sometimes I’ll listen to a podcast or talk to someone.


16:15- Nap Time

Before starting remote learning I made it a habit of taking a nap every day. So when remote learning started I of course had to keep this habit going and honestly one of the things I do love about quarantine is that I don’t have to commute home and I can take a nap straight after school.


19:00-  Don’t have the faintest idea what I do during this time

I wake up from my nap usually half an hour before and I start doing work here and there. Normally I’ll fit in a work out here, maybe I’ll talk to someone, who knows? But most of the time I don’t know what I’m doing to past the time. Also, maybe (most likely) I’ll have another glass of Diet Coke.



20:30- Dinner

You guessed it, another episode of Criminal Minds and a glass of Diet Coke (or two).



21:15- Get Ready for Bed

Pre shower ritual is one last glass of Diet Coke for the day. Then I shower, brush my teeth and do everything I need to do before I go to bed.


22:00- Work + Film

This is when I start a majority (meaning all) of the actual work that I need to get done. During this quarantine, I’ve found that I’m very productive during this time and I get a majority or all of my work done in the next hour or so. I try to find a film to watch (I really like films with major plot twists), tonight I watched Inception.

00:00- Daily Dose of Serotonin aka Bon Appétit

I watch a newly released video from Bon Appétit, never fails to make me smile or laugh. Due to this I feel like I live in the EST time zone.



00:30- Read

I ordered books online and when they were finally delivered to me it was probably the most exciting thing that’s happened during this quarantine. I’m currently reading Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

00:45- Snoozing ZzzZZZzzzz


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