My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

Transition to Grade 11

For next year, the subjects I have chosen are HL: economics, biology, chemistry and SL: mathematics (analysis), Spanish, English (lang lit). I am very anxious for next year. I am quite excited to study certain subjects more in-depth, especially biology and chemistry. However, I am nervous about the change and I know it will be very challenging.

From Grade 10, I have learnt that it is really important to set goals and therefore, I have some goals coming into Grade 11. I think that academically, I want to be more focused and find methods to prevent procrastination. In the past few years, procrastination has been a very big problem and it is a very bad habit of mine. Therefore, I aim to spend some time in the summer to find ways to work more efficiently. In terms of sports, I want to be able to play a bigger role as part of the teams I am in but also to juggle work and sports better.

One new thing I want to try is to use a different form of note-taking as I want to be more effective in the way I take notes. I also want to find a way of revising for tests that work better than just reading notes. For example, I would like to do more test papers as practice.

Grade 11 will be very different, I think because there is a greater workload but at the same time, there are more opportunities. For example, there is TOK, writing our EE, project week and even certain activities. Although it will obviously be harder and require more hard work, I think that it will be full of new experiences. I am most excited for project week because it is a trip where we can be independent in terms of planning and we can choose our groups. • June 7, 2020

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