My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

HS Boys Basketball 19&U (LO2)

[LO2] Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process One challenge has been more physical because I am playing with people who I can admit are at a higher level. Although I feel like I can compete and I improve through playing with them, it can be challenging at times to…

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HS Boys Volleyball 19&U Group 1 (LO5)

[LO5] Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively Throughout the season I mainly collaborated with other teammates as well as coaches in order to plan lessons but also work together for instance I communicated with the coaches in order to see what we could do this year in order to have an…

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HS Boys Volleyball 19&U Group 1 (LO4)

[LO4] Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences One way that I showed perseverance was by balancing my academic and extracurricular lives. I think it was occasionally hard to balance the workload of IB and have to go to practices simultaneously. It was tempting to stay home and study for tests or complete upcoming assignments…

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HS Boys Volleyball 19&U Group 1 (LO1, LO2)

[LO1] Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Since last year I really started to develop a passion for volleyball and started playing further than just for leisure and fun. I think since then a lot more areas of growth have come up and just in the first few sessions it was easy to identify…

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HS Boys Basketball 19&U (LO1)

[LO1] Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth I have been playing basketball for several years but I still think there is a myriad of areas for growth and in fact, as I play more I actually discover more and more areas for development. For example, there are communication issues during plays. For instance, during…

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