My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

HS Boys Basketball 19&U (LO2)

[LO2] Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One challenge has been more physical because I am playing with people who I can admit are at a higher level. Although I feel like I can compete and I improve through playing with them, it can be challenging at times to keep up and I have developed resilience more than anything because I have to make an effort to push myself to try and compete with them. An example is cardio because a lot of those I play with can run fast and play for a long time but I find that difficult and I struggle to play at their level the whole training. Nevertheless, I believe that if I push myself more and more in addition to working outside of the activity to develop as a player, I can meet these goals. As a byproduct of this, I have also learnt to set smaller goals both inside and outside of the activity.

Another challenge was simply being able to manage the training and matches alongside other aspects such as my academic life. It became very tough to balance everything and make time for all activities that I needed and wanted to take part in. It took a lot of time to even identify this weakness but I believe that I have been slowly working towards it and improving my time management. For instance, I have a brief schedule that helps me identify and simply my work and activities for each. Though this does not go to plan everyday, it is helping learn to adapt and also set priorities. • April 12, 2022

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